Aptaker Agency, Inc.
Life and Annuity Products
Property and Casualty Division
Impaired Health and buying life insurance
Univeral Life Policy Review Services
Contact Info
What is term life Insurance
Universal and whole Life
Indexed Universal Life
Guaranteed Incomes
For over 45 years
You can depend on us
Life and Annuity Products

Why don't insurance companies offer their products directly to consumers?

If insurance companies could figure out how to explain their products without knowledgeable experienced personnel as we have at Aptaker Agency, Inc., our agency would not exist! With that said, please note our brief explanation of the products we market and give us a call at 800-975-6635 for a full explanation. 





Aptaker Agency, Inc.Life and Annuity ProductsProperty and Casualty DivisionImpaired Health and buying life insuranceUniveral Life Policy Review ServicesContact Info